- October 4, 2022
Debabrata Ray
That’s where TCG Digital’s Animal Wellness Initiative came in, providing a comprehensive solution that improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the carrier’s cargo operations.
The TCG Digital team’s solution was a game-changer, providing the carrier with real-time visibility of pets from the time they were accepted to customer delivery. The Animal Wellness Initiative included an intelligent dashboard with automated rules for accountability when handling off pets, historical reporting for scanning compliance, and revenue impact-handling costs. With rule-based solutions to aid visual checks within and outside scheduled alerts, the carrier could maintain an audit trail of activities and operationalize scanning devices to handle pets during irregular operations.
Managers who are tempted to feel elated at the prospect of having access to all the data they could ever wish for, soon realize it is a data sword of Damocles* hanging by a thread, ready to snap and bury them if they can’t find a way to unlock its value.

* The parable of the sword of Damocles teaches us that no matter how good someone’s life may appear, it’s difficult to be happy living under existential threat.
The solution was cloud-enabled and included an Omni-channel system for alerts and on-demand reporting. By implementing TCG Digital’s solution, the carrier was able to minimize animal transportation incidents and associated handling expenses, all while improving customer satisfaction, making them more likely to choose the airline for future travel.
To implement the Animal Wellness Initiative, TCG Digital utilized tcgmcube Reporting Accelerator Framework, AWS – Lambda, AppSync, Kinesis, DynamoDB, Elasticsearch, Step Functions, CloudWatch, EKS, Docker, Microservice, Java, NodeJS, Ionic, Amplify, Android, iOS, and Angular 7. The consulting engagement allowed for a UX/UI design that detailed functionality and technical architecture/design, ensuring a seamless and efficient implementation process.